Hall of Fame

The Hall of Fame Class for 2024 has been announced and please hit the menu button above for the second class of the HOF.
Nominations for the 2026 class will open in September of 2025. At that point, a person or organization can be nominated in two ways. The first is to use the form at the bottom of this page. The second is to send an email to ksflyingdiscsa@gmail.com and include your name, the name of the person or organization being nominated, their email address and cell phone number and a short reason why you are nominating them. If it is an organization or team you are nominating, please include the information for a responsible person that represents the organization. Please note, it will be the responsibility of the person being nominated to submit to the Board the information for consideration, which will help streamline the process.
The 2022 class was announced on April, 28th, 2022 in Emporia, KS in conjunction with the Dynamic Discs Open. Please see the 2022 Hall of Fame page on this site for information about the 2022 class.
The Hall of Fame will be an every other year occurrence, and will occur on even numbered years.
The Kansas Flying Disc Association has created the Kansas Flying Disc Hall of Fame (KSFDHOF) to honor and document those that have had a meaningful impact on the sport through organizing, supporting or competing at the state, regional, national or world level.
The following is the selection process established by the Board of Directors:
The nomination process will open up on July 1st of each odd year and close at the end of the year. The class for that year will be announced by the end of April of that year. For example, for the class of 2022, nominations will open on July 1st of 2021 and close on December 31st, 2021. The announcement of the class of 2022 will be by the end of April 2022
There is no limit to the number of nominations in any given year.
The general public as well as the Board of Directors may nominate candidates.
Nominations from previous years may be considered for subsequent years.
A minimum of one and a maximum of 7 will be awarded each year.
Each year depending on nominations, there is the potential of one KSFDHOF spot that will be reserved for a person that had an impact on the sport but didn’t reside in the state for a significant amount of time. This will be called a Hall of Fame with Merit
The KSFDHOF is primarily reserved for individuals, but teams and/or clubs, may also be nominated and considered for entering into the KSFDHOF.
Voting will be by the Board of Directors.
All winners will be notified of the results prior to the results being made public.
The following is the criteria to be considered for the KSFDHOF:
Have a favorable standing in the community as a whole and the flying disc community.
Be a resident of the State of Kansas or at some point in their Flying Disc career, have been a resident of the State for a significant amount of time. The exception to this is the Hall of Fame with Merit designation as described above.
Make or have made significant contributions to the sport of Flying Discs through development, promotion, leadership, ambassadorship, volunteerism, or sportsmanship in a manner that merits recognition, remembrance and respect from peers.
Have begun their playing career or their contribution to the sport no less than twenty (20) years prior to their nomination for induction.
Submit a nomination: